Arise (out of fear, complacency, indifference and sleep and anything that would hinder your walk with God. Let go of those things that so easily beset you.) SHINE for thy light has come (Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world 1John 4:4 the Greater One resides in you to dispel those things that would keep you from Him), and the GLORY strongs 3513/3519 – kabowd – weight, splendor, honour, honorable, heavy, prevail, promote. Glory is a heavy thing, it is a weighty thing. The Glory It is a very great thing) of The Lord has risen upon you. Think about who you already are. You have already won. Fight from Victory. Discover by seeking Gods Face who you really are in Him. You can not fight, live, breathe or move without Him. One of His greatest desire is for you to come to Him and receive His strength. Stop relying on what you “think” you can do. You may seem to succeed for a period, but eventually you will wear out. Take the time to stop, rest and breathe. He is waiting. He has much to say.
In Him I live I move I have my being,
Acts 17:28
Isaiah 60:1