Did you know that “worship” is an act? According to John 4:24 God is a Spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
Worship here means: strongs concordance 4352 Proskuneo – to fawn, to crouch, prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to adore): worship. Worship is more than a song we sing. It is an action of surrender to the King of Kings. As we begin to think of who He really is not just what He has done for us Hearts and minds would change to truly reflect and adore Him for who He is. He is our Yahweh Tsuri our Rock. He is Jehovah Rophe the One who heals; who sent His Word and healed us all; He is The Lord God Almighty; He is Jehovah Jireh the One who supplies all of our needs. There is no lack in Him! There is no fear in Him! He is our Deliverer! Our Promise Keeper! our Strength! And the Lifter of our heads! There is no shadow of turning in Him! He is The I AM THAT I AM…
Now worship the God who is the One True Living God!
He loves us like no other it expands the deepest universe. He gave His best and He is still giving His best…Himself…study the word worship and see for yourself how we are to worship. It is not based on how we feel or what we wear or even what we looked like. His heart is longing for you open to receive you. Worship worship worship…
In His Service,
Davina Stallworth
Hopefull Messenger